When a team does things together in genuine unity of purpose, it increases their productivity. This...
Your role as a leader is to transform the lives of people that have been put in your care. Destinies...
Leaders are to use the opportunity of their position to discover the hidden talents in their team...
Leaders are prone to being victims of ego. This could be an individual or a corporation. This...
There is so much power in gratitude that it is ironic how leaders have not annexed it. Saying “thank...
The ambition of team members has the tendency to lead to rivalry. If left unchecked, it can capsize...
Managing teams requires you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of your team members...
Leaders must be firm! Transformational leadership is not about being liked; it’s about...
One of the things that can destroy a leader is anger. Many leaders have ended up being victims of...
One of the risks of leadership is that your followers are most likely to tell you what you want to...
Africa needs to rise, but it should be more than mere rhetoric. It must be backed by concrete and...
Part of what makes the brand value of an organization is the way the leaders treat people there. The...
Last week, my son went for a football match, and against expectations, their team lost the match. It...
You must ensure that your team members are constantly learning something from you and that means you...
Recently, a very senior finance executive and I were having a conversation on the economy and how it...
Leading a team should result in cooperation and collaboration amongst members of the team. The more...
Some weeks ago, there was a question in the comment section of one of my articles titled:...
Crisis period is a time for leaders to show empathy to their team members. Crisis moments require...
Indra Nooyi was the former CEO of PepsiCo, and she happened to be the first woman of Indian descent...
Sometimes ago, one of my proteges called me and asked me: “Sir, what’s the secret of...